Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wrapping up in Tigray

I'm back in Mekele now, after a long and bumpy 5 days on the road here
in Tigray. By my guess, we (the translator/facilitator, driver, and
I) covered about 1000km (600mi) in 5 days, most on rock roads -
dodging chickens, cows, oxen, camels, children, old women, downed
trees, big rocks, muddy stream beds, and probably many other things
that I have pictures of but can't remember right now. It was a great
trip - I think we really got into the heart of the drought/development
problem with our focus group questions with farmers - but I don't
think my butt will ever be the same.

I have promised myself after I return (and have a more reliable
connection!) to do a regular series of posts on some of the
interesting moments, images, experiences, and places of the trip - so
keep checking back. Tomorrow I have the last meeting here in Mekele
(a training for the field staff of the MFI that will actually be
selling the drought insurance for this season's pilot project in Adi
Ha), and will then fly back to Addis on Friday for a meeting with the
director of the Ethiopian National Weather service, before my flight
back to New York on Saturday.

Salaam to all.


Jenn said...

There you are! Hi! Glad the last few days have been successful!
Miss you!

Sarah said...

oh not! not the booty!

glad youre safe and happy :)

Janet said...

you are safe. amen.
your rear end will recover! love you son. keep in touch.

Les said...

Souds like a mission accomplished...Good Job Eric!

See you soon

Love you


Anonymous said...

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