Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I just had to take a picture of the computer screen just now - cause I
was so excited that the 3 short text files I've been trying to
download for the last hour and a half (satellite rainfall histories of
the 3 villages we're considering for next year) finally came through.
Marjorie laughed. I'll upload the photo when i get some more
bandwidth. =) Sorry i'm always talking about the internet here, but
it's what's immediately on my mind when I'm typing out these posts.

I made myself feel a little bit better about the money I'm spending on
internet in such a poor country this morning (let alone carrying
around a $600 camera on my neck) - a mother was sitting on the curb
with two babies (one maybe 2yrs old), and she held out her hand to me.
I gave her 10 Birr - the same price as my ice cream at lunch
yesterday - about a day's wage.

Such a drop in the bucket in a country with so much need, but maybe it
helped her for just one day.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You kindness did (potentially)help that woman and her children. Your hard work is going to help so many more too!!!!! Keep it up :)