Friday, May 22, 2009

1st day of summer!

So, I'm declaring today my own personal unofficial first day of summer.

Spending my last few birr on an internet send official word
of the official agreement of the main parties to the official final
details of the adi ha drought insurance product to be launched next
week in the village i just visited... and an impromptu international
phone conference with my bosses back in the US... ending with them
telling me "job well done"... and my last 24 hours in ethiopia capped
off by some nice warm breezes and a beautiful sunset - all fills me
with a great sense of completion and accomplishment.

it's gonna be a great summer, and the time to celebrate starts now.

next stop, new york.


Sarah said...

So proud of you. now hurry home!!!


Les said...

Good job son...if a job is worth doing, it's worth doing right!!!

Travel safe...

I Love You


Janet said...

glad you are home.
grandpa skoch always said"job well done my good and faithful servant"
I think he was with you. Sat. May 23rd he died 6 years I know it was him helping you finish stuff up.
love you was good to hear from you