Thursday, August 14, 2008

NCAR cuts funding for climate impacts

Last week, the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, CO made a puzzling decision. It cut funding for the Center for Capacity Building - the primary vehicle with which research on weather and climate impacts are used to assist developing countries prepare for climate change and weather extremes. Over the last few years, I've gotten to know the director of the CCB, Mickey Glantz, pretty well and have the highest respect for what he has done to advance the interface between social science and meteorology. Not only is the loss of this center a severe setback for those countries who would benefit from Mickey's expertise - but it also calls into question the priorities of NCAR as an institution concerned about making the outputs of its scientists useful for the people who most need them.

I'm sure Mickey will continue to have a successful career - though unfortunately just not with the resources and support of NCAR.

Some related articles:
Climate Change program to aid poor nations is shut - New York Times

Dismay over cuts at climate program - Dot Earth
"You have to protect your core" - Prometheus
Abrupt termination of program raises fundamental questions - Climate Science Watch

NCAR - Center for Capacity Building home page

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